There is abuse and neglect at
the Brenham SSLC.
I am doing this
For the residents I spent
four years with at Brenham
For the parents who need
our help with their child.
For the staff who are forced
to work 16 - 20 hours shifts not
knowing when they can go home.
We need our
State Supported Living Centers.
On 10/01/2018 at the age of 60
I started working at Brenham
It was the most rewarding
experience I ever had in my life.
It was a privilege being there,
I learned about mental health.
On April 19, 2023 they fired me.
I did not blend in very well.
They did not like me speaking
up for residents and staff.
The behavior staff does not
spend the time with residents
who they are suppose to help.
To study their body language,
study their facial expressions,
spend time to understand them.
They write behavior plans for
residents they do not know.
Every month we pay the
head psychiatrist at Brenham
$20,000 plus we pay
tens of thousands for
the behavior staff.
The result is residents
attacking each other
attacking staff,
destroying property.
Residents escape campus into
Brenham committing crimes.
There are three residents
in the Brenham jail.
The residents are fed drugs
multiple times per day
instead of therapy sessions
with a behavioral staff member.
There are great dedicated
behavioral members but they
are not given time with residents.
The system is broken.
On February 27, 2023 I met with
Texas State Senator Lois Kolkhorst
and two staff members from
the Texas Senate Health
and Human Services Committee.
Lois is the Chairperson.
After reviewing my information
they requested I contact the
Texas Office of Inspector General.
Senator Kolkhorst was very helpful,
but one Texas State Senator is not
enough against an entrenched bureaucracy.
Staff at Brenham tell me
conditions continue to deteriorate.
Nothing has improved.
The residents need our help.
Mental Health should be a priority.