This is not about the people who live in apartments,
they are hard working individuals who deserve a safe
clean place to live and raise their children.
It is about the fact that those apartment units
pay pennies and sometimes nothing to
support the local services they require.
Those local services are education, law enforcement,
Emergency Medical Services, and the local hospitals.
Look at the number of public housing apartments
in just Houston, 4,000 units plus 1,600 tax-credit units.
Public Housing units pay no property taxes, zero.
That means the neighboring private property owner
pays their property taxes and the property taxes
for every individual apartment unit.
Someone has to pay to support the costs of those services,
they aint free to operate, there are hard costs involved.
And, since public housing units pay no school taxes
who pays for the extimated $10,500 school voucher
that each student is estimated to receive?
How many children from those 4,000 public housing units
attend school, and how many might need special help?
We have a moral obligation to provide the services
they require that is being 100% pro-life.
First we need to find the waste
working over four years for the state
believe me, there is waste.
" It ain't our money"
We we need lower property taxes combined with
a consumption tax where everyone in that community
pays to support the local public services in the community.
It would be very cheap to collect at the cash register,
and does not require an army of employees to manage.
Money does not grow on trees, someone has to pay,
and we are not going to eliminate property taxes.